Saturday, January 30, 2010


Okay, so whether you like it or not, I'll be blogging just in case someone gives a damn about what I say. This is my first post in A long time and since I'm not in school anymore I really don't care if I spell anything wrong. So for that matter, Lol. Hehehehehehe. I won't get in trouble for saying lol anymore. (Sarcastically) Yay. So I've written a couple of posts so far and I haven't gotten the time to post them. So if you see that I all my post are written at similar times, don't freak out. Lol. So yeah, that's pretty much it. This is a place where I can say things that I feel, and I don't get in trouble for them. Cuz no one can read them, and if you do, I really don't care. I'm living on the edge. Just kidding.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cherry Cherry Boom Boom

  1. The Fame
  2. Bad Romance
  3. Alejandro
  4. Monster
  5. So Happy I Could Die
  6. Speechless
  7. Dancing in the Dark
  8. Telephone
  9. Teeth
  10. Just Dance
  11. Poker Face
  12. Love Game
  13. Paparazzi
  14. I Like it Rough
  15. Disco Heaven
  16. Paper Gangsta
  17. Boys Boys Boys
  18. Fashion
  19. Summerboy
  20. Brown Eyes
  21. Again Again
  22. Money Honey
  23. Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
  24. Rock Show
  25. Wonderful
  26. Vanity
  27. Shake UR Kitty
  28. Fancy Pants
  29. Wunderland
  30. Rock Show
  31. Future Love
  32. Let Love Down
  33. Second Time Around
  34. Retro Physical
  35. Christmas Tree
  36. Dirty Ice Cream

Friday, October 9, 2009

My favorite holiday is...

My favorite Holiday is Christmas. Why? Mostly because its the day that I get a reality check. My whole family does. I realize how important my family is. And also how important my friends are. They make me who I am today. It is also the day my Savior Lord Jesus Christ was born (Not really) so I think that is very important. I say not really because he was actually born sometime in the Spring. But that is the day that I celebrate it. And that is really important because without him, I wouldn't be born.
On Christmas, I go to the homeless shelter and help out sometimes. But most of the time, I go to the orphanage and give the Little kids presents. I like to put smile on their faces. I also try to donate to UNICEF, but I mostly do that on Halloween, even though I don't celebrate it. But yeah. I like Christmas because I like the fact that it makes me realize that I am much more fortunate than others. Not only having a house and a car and other stuff that makes my life easier, but also having My wonderful Family and friends.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If I could create or change one law, it would be...

If I could create or change one law, it would definitely, without any doubt, the governments right to murder. I don't agree with any type of murder. So I would not give anyone the right kill, eliminating the right to abort a baby, or the death penalty. I believe that those are retarded laws and they should be banned. If you kill someone because they killed someone else, how does that make you any better? You have no right to take away anyone's life. No one does. It's stupid to think you are the better person or that you have accomplished something just because the murderer of a loved one is dead. That's revenge. And you may think revenge is sweet, but revenge is nothing but pure evil. Revenge is what caused thousands of Japanese people to die in WWII when we dropped the atom bomb. It was revenge that convinced the Nazi followers to support Hitler. It was revenge that made a whole lot of people die, suffer, and go through living hell when they find out what they have done is wrong. Murder is wrong. In no case at all will I ever support murder.
Another example of unfair murder in this country is Abortion. Abortion is when babies are killed because the mother chooses not to do her job a give her baby life. The argument is whether or not a baby is considered a human being. Well that's bullcrap. At 2 weeks old, the baby's heart is developed and the vein structures are formed. At two months the heart is already beating and the baby can his/her eyes are fully developed. He/she can also begin to sense the movement the mother's belly. At four months, the baby has eyebrows, nails, and can suck his/her thumb. All these thing prove that babies are alive, not just some embryo. But thanks to Wonderful President Obama, abortion is legal from 1-9 months. That means that if you are right about to give birth, you can have an abortion. Stupid, but true. Most abortions are performed at 3 months old. Five million (5,000,000) people have died thanks to abortion and that
number is growing everyday
. But I believe the number should be zero.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If I could save one animal what would would it be? Why?

Hmmm...... That's Really hard. I don't know. I like all animals. Every animal deserves to live. Maybe I'd save an animal that is suffering the most. The Cow. They are not my favorite animals. I actually find them quite smelly. But they are still living beings. People abuse, torture, kill, and eat Cows all over the world. You think that sounds like something horrible? Wait until you here how it's done. There are many different ways to kill a cow, depending on what the cow is being killed for. The worst method of killing a cow is the way people make leather. First, they tip the cow over as fast as they can so the cow cannot resist. Then, they put its four legs together and tie them up with barb wire, so the cow will not try to move while they are moving it. Next, they grab a hook and put it through the space between the barb wire and the legs and drag the animal to a room filled with chemicals and toxins. While the poor, helpless, and innocent animal is bleeding from the legs and crying like never before, they splash a bucket of acid in the cows face so the cow would not be able to see what they are about to do next. That's just the beginning. The procedure has just begun. They take a 10-inch tube and stick it up the vaginal tube of the animal. If the animal is male, the stick it in the anus. Then, the turn the power to 10,000 volts of electricity. While the animal is crying, mooing, and desperately wondering why such a horrible thing is happening to them, their inside get fried. An electrical current goes through their intestines and through their muscles. But the worst part is, sometimes they survive. If they do, they are shaved and dipped into a boiling hot batch of water and other chemicals like chlorine, sulfur, and things that are dreadful to te skin Then, they are skinned for their leather.
Apparently, this is the only "Safe" way to kill cow for leather. It is illegal not to kill it this way in many countries. Some including China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, The United States, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chad, Turkey, Israel, Italy, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq. That's why I would save them. You know, 500,000 animals die ONLY because you want meat on your plate. I think that number should stop and should've stopped a long time ago.

Monday, October 5, 2009

If I had $1,000,000, I would...

If I had $1,000,000 dollars, I would spend it in so many ways. I would do so many things to make those million dollars multiply without having to do much work. First, I would buy myself the little things in life that I have always wanted. Like an iPod touch, new TV, Cell phone, and other stuff that my parents would like me to buy them. Then, I would invest. With the remaining $999,000 dollars that I have remaining, I would buy a nice, expensive building. Then, since it will be completely paid off, I would rent it so people can have a chance to live there for as long as they want. Since the house is really nice and expensive, I would charge a LOT since the house is so nice and only rich people can afford it. I would charge about double of what I pay now for my house. Or maybe even triple. And all that money will go to me. Eventually, when the I have enough money, I would buy another house and do the same. With the money I make, I would pay off any bills that my parents owe, and then buy myself a house.
Eventually, The process would repeat itself and I would own an entire community. I would be a lot more rich that I started out with. And all this with a million dollars while other people choose to spend it on stuff like cars and a hundred Wiis and candy and a whole bunch of stuff like that. And the better part of this is that because I'm young, I'll be owning at least 10 houses by the time I'm 25. And that's how I would spend the million dollars. I wouldn't invest in companies and businesses because that involves stocks and that really confuses me. But at least I know how to make more money from some money.

Monday, September 14, 2009

If stranded on an island, what 3 items would I want with me?

What three Items would I want with me? I know just the ones. Any three items? That means any three items in the World. I would want a Solar powered generator (yes they do exist), my laptop computer with it's charger, and a water filter. I would use the solar powered generator to charge my laptop when necessary. I would use the Laptop to contact the emergency people persons so they can come and rescue me. I have 3G all over the world so it wouldn't be a problem. And I would use the Water filter to filter and drink the ocean water until the rescue team comes and rescues me. Its really simple. I don't understand why people make such a big deal about this kind of stuff. They choose to bring stuff like a knife, a lighter, an emergency flare, or something stupid like that. No offense to the people sitting right next to me. They make such a big deal about it and actually want to kill and hunt the animals in the island. Lord knows what is on the island and God forbid there be any animals on the island. I'm a herbivore and I would never hurt another living, breathing thing as long as it doesn't hurt me. Well, actually... Not even if it hurts me. Besides, how are you even sure there are animals?
What I would do is I would make a shelter out of whatever source of vegetation is available. If there isn't Vegetation, then I would use ice, or mud, or whatever is on the island. For food, I wouldn't really need to eat much due to my metabolism. I only eat about twice a day with an occasional snack at night. But you would survive much longer drinking water than you would survive eating, so I am alright with my filter. Anyway, I would contact the authorities nearby using my laptop to come and rescue me so I wouldn't be there for long. And that's pretty much it. That's all I would bring. :)