Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If I could create or change one law, it would be...

If I could create or change one law, it would definitely, without any doubt, the governments right to murder. I don't agree with any type of murder. So I would not give anyone the right kill, eliminating the right to abort a baby, or the death penalty. I believe that those are retarded laws and they should be banned. If you kill someone because they killed someone else, how does that make you any better? You have no right to take away anyone's life. No one does. It's stupid to think you are the better person or that you have accomplished something just because the murderer of a loved one is dead. That's revenge. And you may think revenge is sweet, but revenge is nothing but pure evil. Revenge is what caused thousands of Japanese people to die in WWII when we dropped the atom bomb. It was revenge that convinced the Nazi followers to support Hitler. It was revenge that made a whole lot of people die, suffer, and go through living hell when they find out what they have done is wrong. Murder is wrong. In no case at all will I ever support murder.
Another example of unfair murder in this country is Abortion. Abortion is when babies are killed because the mother chooses not to do her job a give her baby life. The argument is whether or not a baby is considered a human being. Well that's bullcrap. At 2 weeks old, the baby's heart is developed and the vein structures are formed. At two months the heart is already beating and the baby can his/her eyes are fully developed. He/she can also begin to sense the movement the mother's belly. At four months, the baby has eyebrows, nails, and can suck his/her thumb. All these thing prove that babies are alive, not just some embryo. But thanks to Wonderful President Obama, abortion is legal from 1-9 months. That means that if you are right about to give birth, you can have an abortion. Stupid, but true. Most abortions are performed at 3 months old. Five million (5,000,000) people have died thanks to abortion and that
number is growing everyday
. But I believe the number should be zero.

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